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Nov 20th 2023


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Job Experience

Following a three-months course at the Kenya School of Government, the 110 Foreign Service/Third Secretary Cadet cohorts of 2023 graduated from the Foreign Service Academy on November 14, 2023.

At the occasion, Amb. Yabesh Monari, Director General, Foreign Service Administration, represented Dr. Korir Singoei, Principal Secretary, State Department for Foreign Affairs. He congratulated the cadets as they embarked on their exciting adventure into the vibrant field of Foreign Service, a career that shapes the course of global affairs.

In a message read on his behalf, PS Singoei said that the Cadets, as Foreign Service Officers, were entrusted with safeguarding the values of justice, fairness, and equality and representing not only the country but also the standards that uphold a just and equitable world.

The Foreign Service Academy’s Director General, Amb. Kirimi Kaberia, welcomed the newly recruited Foreign Service Officers to the Ministry and stated that the 3 months induction course offered by the Academy prepares them to undertake their duties effectively.

Prof. Ludeki Chweya, Director General, Kenya School of Government, Amb. Stella Mokaya, Deputy Director FSA and Dr. Judy Njeru, Director Human Resource were in attendance.

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